The Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America, General Synod met in its 142nd session at Covenant College, atop Lookout Mountain, Tennessee on April 2, 1965. The opening session began at 2 P. M. in the chapel of the College for a joint devotional service with the 29th Synod of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. Rev. Dr. Robert G. Rayburn led the worship hour.
Following the singing of “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” the delegates to the two Synods were welcomed by Dr. Rayburn as president of the College and by Mr. Scott Probasco, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Chattanooga. The Scripture reading was John 17:9 ff.
In his sermon Dr. Rayburn exhorted his listeners to know Jesus Christ, not just know about Him; to know experientially the Holy Spirit, not just about Him. We will fail if we do not move forward in the power of the Holy Spirit in our individual lives and in our church. This is the essential. He pointed out the absolute necessity and importance of powerful, lively, Spirit-directed and Spirit-powered prayer. We must accept the challenge to do the task before us in God’s way and not in ours. We must not pray occasionally, but constantly go before God in dependent prayer.
The sermon was followed by a season of prayer in which several delegates participated.