Articles by Wayne Sparkman

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by Rev. William Smith (1934)

The Westminster Shorter Catechism, Questions 98 & 99.
Q. 98. What is prayer?

A. Prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God, for things agreeable to his will, in the name of Christ, with confession of our sins, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies.


An offering up of our desires. –Prayer is so called, because the words of our mouths, without the earnest desires of our hearts accompanying them, are but empty unmeaning sounds in God’s ears, the prayer of the wicked, which he himself has declared to be an abomination unto him.

Agreeable to his will. –To desire any thing agreeable to God’s will, is to ask only what he has, in his Word, promised to give, –that is, temporal mercies, as far as we really stand in need of them, –and spiritual blessings; but the latter ought always to occupy the chief place in our desires.

In the name of Christ. –We are to pray to God in the name of Christ, or for Christ’s sake, because our distance from God, by reason of the sinfulness of our natures, is so great, that we cannot come before him, or into his presence, without the help of a Mediator, or one to plead our cause with him. This also signifies, that we hope to obtain mercy, or the pardon of our sins, from God, for the sake of Christ.

Confession of our sins. –Owning sincerely before God, that we are exceedingly guilty in his sight, and being grieved on account of our sins.

With thankful acknowledgement of his mercies. –Returning thanks to God for the favors and the blessings, both to our bodies and to our souls, which, through Christ, he has bestowed upon us.


The information here received, respecting the nature of prayer, may be divided into five particulars.

1. That prayer is an offering up of our desires unto God. –Psal. lxii. 8. Trust in him at all times, ye people; pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.

2. That it must only be for things agreeable to God’s will. –1 John v. 14. If we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us.

3. That we ought always to pray in the name of Christ. –John xvi. 23. Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father, in my name, he will give it to you.

4. That our petitions, or requests, should be accompanied with the confession of our sins. –Dan. ix. 4. I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confession.

5. That we should always, in our prayers, also acknowledge God’s mercies with thankfulness. –Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.

Q. 99. What rule hath God given for our direction in prayer?

A. The whole Word of God is of use to direct us in prayer, but the special rule of direction is that form of prayer, which Christ taught his disciples, commonly called the Lord’s prayer.


The special rule of direction. –The principal guide, or most complete pattern for us to imitate.

The Lord’s prayer. –This form of prayer is thus named, because Christ himself taught it to his disciples at their request, not however as a form which they were always to follow without alteration, but as a pattern to direct them in the performance of this duty.


The information here received is threefold :

1. That we need a rule to direct us, how to proceed, in the duty of prayer. –Rom. viii. 26. We know not what we should pray for as we ought.

2. That the whole Word of God is useful for this purpose. –John v. 14. If we ask any thing according to his will, (that is God’s Word, in which his will is revealed,) he heareth us.

3. That the Lord’s prayer, or that form which Christ taught his disciples, is a special rule of direction in this duty. –Matt. vi. 9-13. After this manner, therefore, pray ye: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, &c.
Dr. Charles Rosenbury. Erdman

It was at the momentous Syracuse, N.Y. meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. where Dr. J. Gresham Machen was officially defrocked from the ministry of that denomination. That action in turn then prompted the founding of what was to become the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Also in attendance at that General Assembly in Syracuse was one of Machen’s many adversaries, Dr. Charles R. Erdman, a man who was by all accounts staunchly evangelical. Yet he found himself in opposition to the course taken by Dr. Machen— he found himself siding with those very men who took a decidedly modernist and unbelieving approach to the Scriptures.

The Syracuse Herald gave some coverage of Dr. Erdman’s visit to his birthplace in Fayetteville, NY that year, noting:

“Dr. Erdman was born in Fayetteville [7/20/1866], where his father was a Presbyterian minister, but when he was three weeks old, his parents moved to another charge.

“In spite of the short time Dr. Erdman was a resident of the Onandaga County village, however, he has frequently visited his birthplace and this week, before the adjournment of the General Assembly which he is attending, he will again visit his birthplace, he said Saturday.

“Dr. Erdman’s father, the Rev. William Jacob Erdman, preached in the same church, and lived in the same manse as did the father of Grover Cleveland, former President of the United States. His youngest daughter is the wife of Francis Grover Cleveland, son of the late former President.

“The greater part of Dr. Erdman’s boyhood was passed in Jamestown. He also lived in Chicago where his father was pastor of Dwight L. Moody’s church. He was graduated from Princeton University in 1886 and from Princeton Seminary in 1891. He holds [honorary] doctor’s degrees from Wooster College, Princeton University and Davidson College.

“For six years following his ordination in 1891 he was pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Overbook, Pa. Then he became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Germantown, Pa., where he remained until 1906 when he became a Princeton professor.

“He became a member of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in 1906 and in 1926 was elected as president, an office he still holds. He was elected moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly in 1925. In the same year he was moderator of the New Brunswick Presbytery. In 1910 he was a delegate tot he World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh and in 1922 to the National Christian Council in Shanghai.

“He is the author of many books, including The Ruling Elder, Sunday Afternoon with a Railroad Man, Coming to the Communion, Within the Gates of the Far East, The Return of Christ, The Lord We Love, The Spirit of Christ, The Life of D.L. Moody, and expositions of most of the books of the New Testament.

“Dr. Erdman’s wife was Miss Estelle Pardee of Germantown, daugher of a widely-known coal operator. His son, the Rev. Calvin Pardee Erdman, also a Presbyterian minister, has preached in Hawaii and California….

“The Erdmans have a summer home at Saranac Lake.”

Embedded in that newspaper account are a few clues for the observant reader as to why Dr. Erdman found himself an opponent of Machen. Erdman had become attached to the denominational board of foreign missions, and Machen had been critical of that Board for fielding missionaries who held low views of Scripture. Moreover, Erdman’s personal and family connection to D.L. Moody might indicate a faith and a theology that was more generally evangelical and less confessional or Reformed in nature. Politics may also have had a part. By familial connection with Grover Cleveland, Dr. Erdman may have been a Democrat, whereas J. Gresham Machen was decidedly libertarian in his views and more of a political free-thinker.

Charles Rosenbury Erdman died in 1960, though we are still working to determine the exact date of his death. Surprisingly, even the Princeton Theological Seminary archives collection under Erdman’s name only provides the year of his death. We have found some indication that he died on this day, May 8th, in 1960, but that conclusion is still unconfirmed. Even his gravestone only provides the year of his death.

Words to Live By: Why some men make the decisions they do is often a puzzle beyond our understanding. In pondering this point, we realize how much we must seek to live humbly in the fear of the Lord, for there are times when it takes a clear head and a resolute faith if we are to stand fast on the sure counsel of God’s Word. Too many of us are shaped by our associations, much more so than we realize. Seek instead to be shaped by the Word of God. Live each day as honestly as possible, confessing your sin, repenting and seeking the Lord’s mercy and grace.

We Thank God  on Every Remembrance of You

When Professor John Murray retired from Westminster to return to his beloved land of Scotland, he attended for the last time the General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in 1966.  The delegates there gave a memorial to him which captured the man and his ministry perfectly when it simply quoted the Pauline expression, “We thank God on every remembrance of you.”  That said it all to their fellow minister.

Fast forward in your mind nine years to the Free Church of Creich in Scotland and its cemetery where the remains of John Murray were being buried in 1975.  Five hundred people from all over the world had gathered to hear the memorial messages.  A prince of Israel  had indeed fallen on May 8, 1975.

Between these two events, John Murray had served his country in World War I,  where he had fought with the famous Black Watch regiment.  The loss of his eye came from that time of military service.

Education included the M.A. degree from Glasglow University in 1923.  Then his ministerial degree (the older ThB) and Th.M. came from Princeton Theological Seminary in the United States.  Returning to Scotland at New College at Edinburgh University, he returned to Princeton Seminary at a pivotal year, namely, 1929.   That year, Princeton’s Board of Trustees was reorganized and Westminster Theological Seminary was begun.  John Murray joined the faculty of Westminster Seminary.

From that time until his retirement in 1966, hundreds of students sat under this “saintly scholar.”  He really equipped the student saints to go forth and minister the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ on a sound foundation of Biblical truth.  John Murray also capsulized that same Biblical truth in several books he wrote.  It might be interesting to sum up those books, which this contributor used all during his pastoral ministry.

Church officers in our Reformed churches  would do well to have a firm understanding of both Christian Baptism, and Divorce.   Both of course would be profitable to the Christian in the pew as well.   All those with the gift of evangelism, as well as Evangelism teams going out weekly, must have an understanding of the book Redemption Accomplish and Applied.  In fact, all Christians should read this book.  Then Principles of Conduct are a reminder of the Christian life.  If any book of the Bible is a “must” book to consider the themes of sin, salvation, sanctification, sovereign election, and service, the book of Romans fills those themes perfectly.  And Murray’s commentary on The Epistle to the Romans is just what is needed to comprehend the great apostle’s words and thoughts.

After John Murray retired in 1966, after having lived 68 years as a bachelor, he took a wife, Miss Valerie Knowlton on December 7, 1967. To the surprise of some, she was not Scottish, but rather was a New Englander, born and raised in the State of Maine. Two children would be born to the union.

Words to Live By: John Murray had many “children of the faith” in his years in teaching in this Reformed school of the prophets.  Let them remember him in their current ministries as they pass on what they have heard to others also who will be able to teach still others in the history of the church.
We welcome today our good friend Rev. Larry Roff as guest author for This Day. Larry is a recently retired PCA pastor and an accomplished organist. For many years he played the organ at the worship services held during the PCA’s General Assemblies. Now, finding new avenues for ministry, he has begun writing a series of articles on various hymn writers. Today’s post is a timely one, offered on the occasion of the National Day of Prayer. And while John Newton, the subject of today’s post, was himself an ordained Anglican, it should be noted that he had previously applied for ordination by the Presbyterians!
If you would like to see more of Rev. Roff’s blog posts, please click here to contact him, if you would like to be added to his mailing list.

9.  ­Prayer and “Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare”
by Rev. Larry Roff.

I am writing this today for the annual National day of Prayer.  And because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year is certainly one in which prayer for our nation … and our world! … is very much needed.  Many Scripture passages come to mind on the subject of prayer, but none more inviting than Hebrews 4:16, Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.    

How wonderful that as we approach our God, we need not wear a mask or practice social distancing from Him.  Burdened as we are, He longs for us to come near to find relief.  That should be one of the main purposes in prayer, not to get what we want (God is not our Genie in a bottle that we need to rub to get our wishes granted!) but to draw near and find blessed intimacy with the one who loves us with infinite love.  As we do so, then what we find is mercy to strengthen us to trust Him in whatever He has ordained for us, even when painful.  We will discover, as a friend of mine recently wrote, If we view God as the great means to give us what we want, we’ll never have a secure hope: because He is not the means, He is the end. He is not the instrument to get us to another hope which is not Him, He IS the hope; He’s the object; He is the focus; He is the goal. Christ is our satisfaction.

The hymn that, in my mind, best conveys this is John Newton’s 1779 prayer-hymn: Come, My Soul, Thy Suit Prepare.  We will survey Newton’s life in another study when we come to his most famous hymn, Amazing Grace.   Here we just remember that this former slave ship captain was rescued by God’s powerful love and transformed into a marvelous trophy of grace.  While serving as pastor of the village church in Olney, England, his Tuesday night Bible study and prayer meeting attracted many.  The need for more songs led Newton and William Cowper to collaborate on a collection.  It included this hymn about prayer.

In our study here, we will take each stanza briefly, one at a time. We could put at least one Scripture reference with each phrase, though we won’t have space to look at every passage to which he alluded.  In this, Newton’s hymn writing, like Charles Wesley’s, was saturated with biblical references, if not quotations.  I am among those who believe this is the richest hymn about prayer that we can find. It belongs in every hymnal.  Charles Spurgeon, pastor of London’s Metropolitan Tabernacle, the greatest preacher of the nineteenth century, had his congregation sing this hymn to get their hearts focused before the “long prayer.”

This hymn is not a “model” prayer.  It does not include key elements that belong, if not in every prayer, at least in other prayers in the worship service or in our prayer closet.  These stanzas are all of petition, but presented in a way that conveys the majesty, sovereignty, goodness, and mercy of the Lord along with our absolute dependence on and trust in Him.  Let’s examine the text in hopes that our prayers will more closely reflect these themes.

Stanza 1: Come, my soul, thy suit prepare; Jesus loves to answer prayer.

   He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore, will not say thee nay.

The opening words are one of the finest lines in all hymnody.  We come into God’s courtroom with our case well-prepared, having studied His Word to see what He has promised.  It is on that basis that we plead our case.  And we come to a Savior who loves to answer prayer.  Isn’t that a thrilling truth?  Our sins do not drive Him from us.  It is exactly the opposite (as one of the 17th century Puritans wrote), as a parent rushes to the aid of a sick child, so the Lord rushes to our aid when our sins or the corruptions of the world have brought us misery.  He is not reluctant, but filled with joy when we ask.  While He will not always give us exactly what we ask for, He will not say “nay” in the sense (as Tim Keller has written) that He will always give us what we would have asked for if we knew what He knows about our true needs and the Father’s plans.

Stanza 2: Thou art coming to a King; Large petitions with thee bring,

    For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much.

We have barely begin to appreciate the character and resources of the one to whom we pray.  This is a King far greater than any earthly monarch.  And it is His Son who intercedes for us, the King of kings (Revelation 19:16).  Nothing is too great, or too small, for Him.  Since He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ask or think (Ephesians 3:20-21), we should bring large petitions both for ourselves and for His will to be accomplished in the world, for His kingdom to come.  As Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19, He is able to supply all our needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.

Stanza 3: With my burden I begin; “Lord, remove this load of sin.

  Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt.

The “burden” is that of sin, as Bunyan described in The Pilgrim’s Progress, the load that weighs us down (Hebrews 12:1).  We begin here, because this is always our greatest need. Though Jesus has paid in full for our sins, we still struggle with this burden (Romans 7 and 1 John 1:8).  But there is now no condemnation for those who are “in” Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).  And the knowledge that Jesus has spilled His blood to cover our guilt should set our conscience free, and give us the tool we need to resist Satan’s temptations to keep us in despair and embarrassment.   

Stanza 4: “Lord, I come to Thee for rest; Take possession of my breast.

There Thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign.

Jesus invites us to come to Him for rest in Matthew 11:28-30.  When we do, He does indeed take possession of our breast, which is a biblical way of referring to our heart.  We have been purchased by His blood, we are the apple of His eye, we are the bride He cherishes.  What a wonderful image Newton has given us.  We base our petition on the fact that we belong to Jesus (affection and compassion) and that He rules over us and stands for us against whatever rival would threaten or tempt us to transfer our loyalty.

Stanza 5: “While I am a pilgrim here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer;

 As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey’s end.

As pilgrims (1 Peter 2:11), this world is not our home.  On this journey, we find great help in Jesus’ companionship to cheer us (John 16:13), and on the way for Him to be our Guide (leading us in the paths of righteousness), our Guard (assuring us that we share in the victory He has won for us), and our Friend (the one who calls us His friend!).  This hymn gives us words to cry out as sheep who need their shepherd to lead them (Psalm 23).

Stanza 6: “Show me what I have to do; Every hour my strength renew.

     Let me live a life of faith; Let me die Thy people’s death.”

In this final stanza, we look to the future and ask the Lord to show us His will  (what we should do), and to give us His strength to persevere (to renew our strength every day: 2 Corinthians 4:16), and to live by faith (1 Corinthians 5:7), trusting Him every day, as we promised in Proverbs 3:5-6.  And what a powerful image in that last phrase, that He would so sustain us that when death comes, we might be found dying in a way that shows how secure His people are as they (we) cross over into eternity (Numbers 23:10).

As we turn to the Lord on this annual National Day of Prayer, we can’t do better than singing this hymn as we enter into our time of prayer for our land.

P.S. Here is the generally omitted stanza, actually #5:

“As the image in the glass Answers the beholder’s face,
Thus unto my heart appear; Print Thine own resemblance there.”
An Historic Commencement Address
by Rev. David T. Myers

Talk about history being made!  The first ever commencement address delivered to the  student body of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania took place on May 6, 1930.  The speaker was the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Clarence Edward Macartney.  He was a member of the board of this new seminary, besides being known as a conservative in the issues confronting the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

In his address, after looking at the approaching  state of the church from the standpoint of its adherence to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, Dr. Macartney focused the attention of the students on the very existence of this new seminary.  Listen to his words:

“The founding of Westminster Seminary, therefore, has a peculiar and definite meaning at this critical day in the history of Christianity.

“In the first place, its establishment is a protest against the action of the church in dissolving the Board of Directors of Princeton Seminary, and practically ejecting them for loyalty to the truth.

“In the second place, the establishment of Westminster Seminary is a warning to the Presbyterian Church against the danger of being completely submerged in the tide of  neo-Christianity which threatens to engulf the whole Protestant church.  This seminary is a watchman on the wall, proclaiming with no uncertain trumpet that an enemy is in our midst.

“In the third place, the establishment of this seminary is a witness to the Bible as the Word of God, a notification to the world that we believe in the Bible, both as to its facts and its doctrines, and are confident that both facts and doctrines are capable of reasoned, thoughtful, and scholarly defense.

“In the  fourth place, this Seminary is founded as a witness to the saving power of the glorious gospel of the blessed God and of our Lord Jesus Christ.   This Seminary shall stand as a token of our earnest conviction that the gospel of Christ is the alone hope of a lost and fallen race.

“In the fifth place, Westminster Seminary is founded as a token of our faith in the rejuvenescence of evangelical Christianity, and that, as the tops of the mountains  were seen after the deluge, so after the deluge and invasion of unbelief in the Protestant church, when the angry waters shall have perished, those sacred heights of mountain tops of Sinai and Calvary shall again be revealed, and the Church shall again bow in gratitude, adoration, and love before the cross of the Eternal Christ.”

After such a reminder of the need for Westminster Seminary to exist, Dr. Macartney then reminded the students that they have been entrusted with the glorious gospel of the blessed God.  It was a sacred trust, he added.  He spoke about the temptation to forsake that trust, when standing alone, for example, but he encouraged them to resist that temptation and proclaim that blessed gospel.

Words to Live By: Whether we speak about a theological institution, a church, or a Christian, all of us have been entrusted with the gospel.  If we won’t defend it, who will?  If we won’t utter it, who will?  If we forsake it, how will it be carried out?   Put in  trust with the Gospel — a solemn and sacred treasure to share with the masses.

To read the full message by Dr. Macartney, click here.
Image source : Cover photograph from The Making of a Minister. Great Neck, NY: The Channel Press, 1961.

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