September 7: Rev. John Rowland

Church Doors Were Shut and Barns Were Opened Regrettably is did not take long for the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. to suffer dissention and schism. Its first Presbytery was…

September 6: Jesus as Social Reformer?

Our post today is drawn from the pages of the old periodical CHRISTIANITY TODAY [1936-1949], not to be confused with the ongoing magazine of the same name, which began about 1956. The…

September 5: Pantheistic Modernism

"Whatever destroys our conceptions of God in his strictest personality, destroys all spiritual values at the same time." Sifting more articles from the long-running Philadelphia-based magazine THE PRESBYTERIAN, there were on…

September 4: School’s Back in Session

Dr. J. Gresham Machen’s address on “The Necessity of the Christian School” remains timely, and is permanently posted here. But to refresh your memory : The Necessity of the Christian School by…