July 3: Rev. Moses Roney [1804-1854]

With Great Patience Under Affliction Moses Roney was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, on the 20th of September, 1804. His parents were members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, and were…

July 2: Rev. William Martin (1757)

Five Shiploads of Settlers to South Carolina Not that long ago in Ulster or North Ireland. some 250 Christians gathered at a crossroads in County Antrim, known as the Vow,…

July 1: William Melancthon Glasgow

A Great Historian & Biographer When searching out pre-twentieth century Presbyterian biographies, there are three big names—three primary sources which cannot be overlooked. The unsurpassed efforts of William Buell Sprague…

June 30: Korean Mission Anniversary

Eighty years ago, on June 30, 1934, there was an observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the Korean mission started by the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Other denominations had…

June 29: Remember What It Cost

Keeping in mind that newspapers were little different then than now, subject to the same human foibles*, nonetheless the following coverage of the modernist controversy and the resulting denominational split…