May 10: James Hamilton Dies in Ireland

Deposed by Man, but Not By God They called them "precopalians," which strange as it may sound (and spell!), was  defined as Scottish Presbyterians who were leading Anglican congregations in…

May 8: Professor John Murray

We Thank God  on Every Remembrance of You When Professor John Murray retired from Westminster to return to his beloved land of Scotland, he attended for the last time the General…

May 7: Hymnwriter Elisha Hoffman

Who Wrote This Hymn? We often sing favorite gospel hymns without the slightest idea or even care as to who was the author of it.  Also, have you ever wondered…

May 6, 2014: M. A. Pearson

As Francis Schaeffer said, in the Kingdom of God, there are no little people. Rev. and Mrs. M.A. Pearson were two selfless servants in God's vineyard, unknown to most, who…