This Day in Presbyterian History: Excluding Some from Partaking of the Lord's Supper It was back on November 20th that this historical devotional began to look at what the Larger…
This Day in Presbyterian History: The Demise of a Soldier Parson It was back on June 23 that we profiled the provision of psalm books as wadding for the American…
This Day in Presbyterian History: An Old Side Presbyterian Plants Numerous Churches One would need a firm grip on God's sovereignty to live and minister in the early days of…
This Day in Presbyterian History: The World Turned Upside Down In writing his journal on November 22, 1739, the Rev. George Whitefield described an evangelistic tour in the year of 1739 through the…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Bringing Bibles and Rifles to Worship It was in uncivilized territory where the Rev. Robert Cooper took his first pastorate in central Pennsylvania. Born in Northern Ireland…