This Day in Presbyterian History: The Preacher and Politician Meets His Savior These days, we don't meet many preachers or politicians who have accomplished as much in the realms of both…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Preparing for the Lord's Supper With no observable reflection of Presbyterian history on this November 14, we look at the necessary preparation which every Christian…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Celebrations at a Memorial Service With few Presbyterian historical events to remember on this date, we turn our attention to Shorter Catechism question and answer number…
This Day in Presbyterian History: An Assembly of Great Blessings With over four hundred attendees, the Second General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of America met in the large auditorium…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Covenanters Begin with Colorful Ceremony Following the first schism of the Presbyterian Church in 1741, Rev. Alexander Craighead in 1742 argued that the New Side Presbyterian branch should…