This Day in Presbyterian History: A Para-church Presbyterian Evangelist There can be no doubt that Robert Baird has both the gift of administration as well as the gift of  teaching.…
The first serious resistance against the new United States government took place in western Pennsylvania, specifically, a rebellion against a federal excise tax being placed upon distilled spirits. Known as the Whiskey Rebellion,…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Handling the Word of God Aright Finding historical sites on American Presbyterianism scarce, we turn to the Catechisms of the Westminster Standards, and for a…
This Day in Presbyterian History: A Waystation for the Progress of the Gospel Up to the middle of the eighteenth century, what presbyteries existed were all in the northern part…
This Day in Presbyterian History: Contending Earnestly The  number "seven" has always been associated with perfection. But while that is the belief, there would be no one who would suggest that the…