April 4 : WSC Q. 22

This Day in Presbyterian History:  Christ, the Son of God, became Man Finding nothing of national importance in historic Presbyterianism [you should always feel free to remind us of important…

April 3 : Rev. Matthew Hill

This Day in Presbyterian History:  Come Over and Help Us The first two Presbyterian ministers to come to the middle parts of the American colonies were Francis Doughty and Matthew…

April 2 : Rev. John Henderson Symmes

This Day in Presbyterian History:   While Strong in  Convictions, He was Mild in their Utterance What does one do when your congregation takes one side of a national political issue, and you,…

April 1 : More on the Machen Trial

This Day in Presbyterian History:    A Question of Jurisdiction It seemed to be a mere administrative matter between presbyteries.  Anyone who has been a member of these this lower court in Presbyterian…