This Day in Presbyterian History: The First General Assembly of the National Presbyterian Church (i.e., the PCA As the newly formed denomination met that December in 1973, there was much…
This Day in Presbyterian History: They Had No Manual, but a New Presbyterian Church was Born Gathering in Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama, were teaching and ruling elders ready to begin…
This Day in Presbyterian History: No Parallel in the Annals of the American Pulpit So it was thought by the pulpiteers of the late nineteenth century, that is, our unique…
This Day in Presbyterian History: A Martyr in His Missionary Zeal to Evangelize Blacks We hear much in this twenty-first century about the treatment of blacks before the Civil War. …
This Day in Presbyterian History: Don't Be Misled By Popular Bible Teachers You would have thought that the writer could be trusted. Hadn't the Notes he had published, covering all…