August 6: Election Day Sermon Series

Guest author David Hall will return next Saturday with the continuation of his series on Election Day Sermons. So today we would like to take notice of recent discussions on…

August 5: Rev. John Rodgers [1727-1811]

“One of the great charms of Dr. Rodgers’ character was the fervour and uniformity of his piety. It not only appears conspicuous in the pulpit,—dictating his choice of subjects, his…

August 4: Givens Brown Strickler [1840-1913]

[excerpted from The St. Louis Presbyterian, 31.27 (10 September 1896): 435.]             Dr. Strickler was born at Strickler’s Springs, Rockbridge County, Virginia, April 25, 1840. On his father’s side he…

August 3: Maltbie Babcock, Composer

Seeing My Father’s world He never even heard the hymn which he wrote, sung by a choir or congregation. He never heard it as an instrumental musical piece. That is…

August 2: The Stewart-Thompson Trial (1935)

LAYMEN, BEWARE ! The persecution of the Independent Board goes on apace. On August 2, 1935, the session of Harriet Hollond Memorial Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, voted to place on trial…