February 14: Gov. Edwin D. Morgan

This Day in Presbyterian History:  A Presbyterian Governor with treasures in heaven Edwin D. Morgan was a typical American citizen in many ways, but also one who had extraordinary gifts…

February 13: Warrior Presbytery formed

This Day in Presbyterian History: Warrior Presbytery Leaves the Southern Presbyterian Church [text from an article in The Southern Presbyterian, vol. 1, no. 2 (February 1973): Twenty-one churches and five…

February 12: Rev. Henry Highland Garnet

This Day in Presbyterian History: A First for a Black Presbyterian Pastor If you were among the visitors seeking a seat in the House of Representatives gallery that Sabbath day…

February 11: WSC Q. 4

This Day in Presbyterian History: A Prayer becomes a Catechism Answer It was a traditional story brought down through the ages that a Scotch delegate to the Westminster Assembly had…

February 10: Columbia Theological Seminary

This Day in Presbyterian History:   Moving Day Thomas Goulding, George Howe, Aaron Leland, Benjamin Morgan Palmer, James Henry Thornwell, William S. Plumer, Joseph R Wilson, John L. Giarardeau, Charles Colcock…